Soooo, while perusing the patterns on the Lion Brand Yarn website, I found this beautiful capelet.

I love capes and capelets, and this one looked so charming that I knew I had to make it. This would be my first big crochet project, everything else has been simple, like hats, scarflettes, flowers, etc. But this. . . this is unique enough to be selected as my first serious project.
Okay, it's pretty easy so it's not a SERIOUS serious project. Anyway, I can see myself in this on those breezy spring days, just getting my swag on . . . so I started making it. Tell me why it looks like a BIG DOILY?!?!?

Everyone says, "It's not done yet" and "Wait until it gets a little longer" but I am just NOT getting the vision. It's a little discouraging, I was so excited about this project. I actually went out and bought the yarn for it, 4 skeins of mustard Vanna's Choice. My first yarn purchase that I actually already had a pattern for. Everything else is just made from the stash I'm always adding to. . . All that for a big yellow doily :-( But you know what? I'm going to keep making it because I don't want another unfinished project (Isn't there an acronym for that? UFP?) because that would be a waste of time and money.
I guess it's not looking so bad when I try it on. I wonder if I should have used a different color, but i love goldenrod/mustard colors against my skin, and I wanted something that would pop.

Eh, we'll see what happens.
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